Law Offices of Sam H. Lock

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What Does ‘No Refusal’ Mean with Texas DWI Law?

 Posted on December 20, 2019 in DWI / DUI

What Does ‘No Refusal’ Mean with Texas DWI LawLaw enforcement departments across Texas are currently going through their longest “no refusal” period of the year for people suspected of driving while intoxicated. “No refusal” initiatives usually take place during holiday weekends, but many departments consider Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day to be one long “no refusal” period. Law enforcement promotes “no refusal” as a time when drivers suspected of DWI will not be allowed to refuse a sobriety test. It is somewhat misleading to say that departments designate “no refusal” periods, and explaining why can help you better understand your rights during a DWI stop:

  1. You Can Refuse But With Legal Consequences: Firstly, “no refusal” refers to only blood and breath tests used to measure your blood alcohol concentration and not field tests of your balance or gaze. Secondly, you can refuse a sobriety test without consequence if you are not under arrest. Finally, you can still refuse a sobriety test after your arrest, though your driver’s license will be suspended and the officer will likely request a warrant to obtain your blood sample. Resisting a blood test after a warrant could lead to additional criminal charges.
  2. The Law Does Not Change During “No Refusal” Initiatives: Texas law enforcement always has the authority to require DWI suspects to comply with breath or blood testing because of the state's implied consent law. The difference during a “no refusal” period is that the police officers put greater emphasis on catching drunk drivers and have more resources at their disposal to ensure that they can obtain a test sample in a timely manner. Judges are on call to review affidavits for warrants during the late-night hours when DWI arrests usually occur. Nurses are available at the station to draw blood samples.
  3. “No Refusal” Is About Awareness and Prevention: Why do law enforcement departments publicize “no refusal” initiatives when the same DWI laws are always in effect? They are trying to deter people from driving drunk or under the influence of drugs during times of the year when DWI arrests are most prevalent. Many people celebrate holidays by drinking alcohol at parties, followed by driving themselves home. The goal is to change people’s decisions to drive drunk by reminding them of the risk of being arrested.

Contact a San Antonio DWI Defense Attorney

Being charged with DWI can put a damper on your holidays, but do not assume that it means you will be convicted. A San Antonio DWI defense lawyer at the Law Offices of Sam H. Lock will work to beat your charge or get it dismissed. To Schedule your consultation, call 210-226-0965.


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