Selma, Texas Criminal Defense Attorney

Criminal Defense Lawyer Protecting Your Rights in Selma

In Texas, drug laws are strictly enforced, and the penalties for drug charges can be severe. Whether you are being charged with possession of illegal substances like marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, intent to distribute drugs, or any other related offense, it is important to have a good understanding of the laws that apply to your situation and your options for defense.

When you are facing criminal charges, contact Law Offices of Sam H. Lock, a highly respected law firm led by Attorney Sam H. Lock. With a deep knowledge of the law and years of experience defending clients, Attorney Sam H. Lock can protect your rights throughout your case and fight against a conviction. In addition to providing representation in cases involving drug crimes, we can also assist with other types of charges, including sex crimes, white collar crimes, and homicide.

Drug Paraphernalia Charges in Selma, TX

Possession of drug paraphernalia refers to having equipment or tools used for the consumption, manufacturing, or processing of illegal drugs. Possession of drug paraphernalia is typically classified as a Class C misdemeanor, which can result in fines up to $500 and possible community service or mandated substance abuse counseling. While offenses related to drug paraphernalia may seem less severe than other drug charges, a conviction can lead to a criminal record, which can impact employment opportunities, housing options, and the severity of criminal charges you may face in the future.

It is also essential to understand that law enforcement's interpretation of paraphernalia can vary. An officer might consider multiple types of items as paraphernalia, such as needles or pipes, if they were allegedly being used for illegal drug activity. The broad definition of paraphernalia provides law enforcement with a great deal of discretion, and people who are facing criminal charges will need to understand their rights and determine their best options for defense. Our attorney can help demonstrate that certain items should not be considered drug paraphernalia, and we can work to defend against criminal charges related to these items.

Possession of Marijuana

Marijuana laws in Texas have certainly evolved over the years, but possession of this substance remains illegal in most cases. The penalties for marijuana possession in Texas depend on the quantity found in your possession. For example, possession of less than two ounces of marijuana is classified as a Class B misdemeanor, punishable by up to 180 days in jail and fines up to $2,000. If you are accused of possessing two to four ounces, the offense will be increased to a Class A misdemeanor, which can lead to one year in jail and fines up to $4,000.

For first-time offenders caught with less than two ounces, pre-trial diversion programs may be available. By participating in this program, you may be able to avoid a criminal record by completing certain conditions. However, repeat offenders may not have the same options for pre-trial diversion. Our attorney can provide guidance on the available options, and we can help defend against drug possession charges.

Intent to Distribute Drugs

Being accused of drug possession with intent to distribute carries serious implications, as this charge suggests that you were planning to sell or distribute illegal substances. The penalties for this offense can vary significantly based on the type and amount of drug involved. For example, possession of less than one gram of a controlled substance such as cocaine will constitute a felony, and penalties may include six months to two years in jail and up to $10,000 in fines. The consequences are more severe in cases involving larger quantities. For possession of more than 400 grams, for example, you could face life in prison due to Texas' harsh sentencing guidelines for drug crimes.

Other factors that could contribute to a charge of intent to distribute include the amount of drugs in your possession and the presence of packaging materials, scales, or large amounts of cash. Law enforcement officials may interpret this as evidence of an intent to sell drugs rather than keep them for personal use. Our lawyer can help you determine the best defense strategies when addressing charges of drug distribution or other related offenses.

Contact Our Selma, TX Criminal Defense Lawyer

Navigating drug charges in Texas can be extremely daunting. If you have been charged with a drug crime, it is vital to make sure you will have experienced legal counsel. At Law Offices of Sam H. Lock, we can help you understand your rights and options. We can assist with drug charges or other types of criminal accusations, and we will work tirelessly to protect your future. To learn more about how we can help you, contact us at 210-226-0965 to schedule a private consultation.

Practice Areas

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Bexar County

In the historic King William District

1011 S. Alamo,
San Antonio, Texas 78210