What Are Texas Internet Crimes?

 Posted on June 24,2024 in Criminal Law

San Antonio, TX internet crimes defense lawyerInternet crimes are not always taken seriously, as many people think that they will not be caught engaging in anonymous illicit behavior on the internet. However, Texas prosecutes internet crimes aggressively, and many types of internet crimes can land you with a conviction that stays on your record forever.

If you have been arrested for an internet crime, hiring an experienced Texas internet crimes defense lawyer is key to protecting your rights and understanding what to do next.

Types of Internet Crimes in Texas

The Texas Penal Code outlines the types of online crimes in the state that can result in criminal convictions. In general, activities online that involve fraud, child pornography, solicitation of prostitution, piracy, and theft, including identity theft, are illegal.

Additionally, Computer Crimes Statute outlines the following online activities as internet crimes:

  • Knowingly soliciting a minor 17 years old or younger over the internet to meet in person and engage in sexual behavior

  • Knowingly, and without consent of the owner, accessing a computer or a computer network or system

  • Using another person’s name or likeness without his or her consent to leave messages online or create web pages with the intent to threaten, intimate, harm, or defraud

Using the internet to harass or stalk someone, or using computers and the internet to tamper with the voting process in any way are also deemed internet crimes in Texas.

What Are the Penalties for Texas Internet Crimes?

There is a wide range of penalties for Texas internet crimes, and these penalties depend on the severity of the crime committed. For example, gaining access to a computer without the owner’s consent could be a Class B misdemeanor, or it could be a felony depending on the impact of the crime.

Penalties for internet crimes in Texas include the following:

  • Class B misdemeanors - These carry penalties of up to 180 days in jail and fines of up to $2,000

  • Class A misdemeanors – These carry penalties of up to one year in jail and fines of up to $4,000

  • Third Degree felonies – These carry penalties of between two and 10 years in prison and fines of up to $10,000

  • Second Degree felonies – These carry penalties of between two and 20 years in prison and fines of up to $10,000

  • First Degree felonies – These carry penalties of five years to life in prison and fines of up to $10,000

Any internet crime that involves the solicitation of sexual behavior with a minor may also result in required registration on Texas’ sex offender registry.

Contact a San Antonio, TX Internet Crimes Attorney

Convictions for internet crimes have serious consequences, and the Texas laws surrounding internet crime prosecution change frequently due to the constantly evolving nature of these crimes. If you have been accused of an internet crime, a knowledgeable San Antonio, TX internet crimes lawyer is essential to protecting your rights.

At Law Offices of Sam H. Lock, we have more than a decade of legal experience, and we will provide you with the dedicated representation you deserve. Call 210-226-0965 for a consultation.

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