San Marcos DWI Defense Lawyer

DWI Defense Attorney Serving San Marcos, Texas

In Texas, DWI charges can be very serious. Even a first-time DWI will carry penalties that can affect your life, your job, and your relationships. If you are facing repeat DWI charges in San Marcos, you may feel like your life is practically over. With harsher potential penalties and more at stake than a first offense, you may wonder how to improve your chances of securing a favorable outcome to your case.

With over 25 years of legal experience, the Law Offices of Sam H. Lock is ready to fight for your rights. Unlike many attorneys who may be quick to settle cases through plea bargains, Sam H. Lock believes in taking the time to thoroughly analyze your situation and pursue every possible avenue to demonstrate your innocence. Whether you are facing a first DWI offense or have one or more previous DWI charges on your record, he has the knowledge and resources to protect your rights and your freedom.

Understanding the Severity of Repeat DWI Charges

Each time someone is charged with DWI, the penalties they may face will increase. If you are charged with a second, third, or even fourth DWI, you will be facing longer jail sentences, steeper fines, and more stringent probation conditions for each offense. When you have been charged with a repeat DWI, it is important to understand the gravity of the situation and the lasting impact a conviction can have on your life. Our aggressive attorney will take the time to investigate the circumstances surrounding your case and build a robust defense to reduce the potential penalties you are facing.

The Pitfalls of Early Plea Bargains

Many defense attorneys may be inclined to encourage their client to accept a plea deal at the beginning of their case. While plea bargains can sometimes be beneficial, they often lead to long-term negative consequences, particularly in repeat DWI cases. Attorney Sam H. Lock understands the complex dynamics involved in DWI cases, and he believes in exploring all possibilities before considering any plea agreements. Accepting a plea bargain too quickly can:

  • Limit your options - After you plead guilty, you will no longer be able to fight the charges or pursue alternative solutions that could result in lesser charges or even a case dismissal.
  • Result in unjust sentences - When attorneys rush to settle, defendants may end up accepting harsh terms that do not fit the specifics of their situation.
  • Prevent the examination of evidence - A hasty plea bargain will end any further investigation into the case. Even if evidence is uncovered that supports your innocence, it will be too late to do anything about it.

The Law Offices of Sam H. Lock will take the time necessary to analyze all the evidence, challenge breath and blood test results, and scrutinize police procedures, ensuring that no stone is left unturned in your defense.

Crafting a Comprehensive Defense Strategy

Putting together the most comprehensive defense strategy possible is crucial when tackling repeat DWI charges. Our aggressive attorney will implement a multifaceted approach that examines every aspect of your case. Here are some essential factors that may be part of this strategy:

  • Rigorous examination of evidence - This includes reviewing dashcam footage, witness statements, and any documentation related to your arrest. Attorney Lock will pursue every avenue to determine if there were any violations of your rights or errors in the evidence collection process.
  • Challenging test results - In many DWI cases, breathalyzer and blood test results serve as the backbone of the prosecution's case. While many believe these alcohol detection methods to be infallible, that is far from the truth. Your lawyer will pinpoint any consistencies, which can be pivotal when trying to disprove the results of a test.
  • Identifying procedural errors - If law enforcement officers did not follow proper procedures during your arrest or did not have probable cause to perform a traffic stop, these missteps may be grounds for dismissing your case. Our lawyer is skilled at identifying critical flaws and using them to your advantage.
  • Mitigating factors - If it makes sense to do so, presenting certain information about your circumstances can be beneficial to your defense. This may involve demonstrating that you have taken proactive steps towards rehabilitation, such as enrolling in an alcohol education or treatment program, which can sway the court's perceptions and possibly lead to reduced penalties.

Contact Our San Marcos, TX DWI Defense Attorney

By using a comprehensive approach, the Law Offices of Sam H. Lock will build a formidable defense that challenges the prosecution's case at every turn. We will work tirelessly to safeguard your rights and your future. Call 210-226-0965 or contact our office to schedule a private consultation.

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Bexar County

In the historic King William District

1011 S. Alamo,
San Antonio, Texas 78210