Converse DWI Defense Attorney

DWI Defense Lawyer for People Arrested in Converse, TX

Driving while intoxicated (DWI) can carry enormous penalties in Texas, making it imperative for people facing charges to seek effective legal guidance. Our skilled attorney from the Law Offices of Sam H. Lock knows the nuances of the law and how to build a strong defense. One of the most critical areas of focus is the reliability of breathalyzer tests, which are often central to DWI cases. An experienced lawyer can poke holes in the prosecution's case against you by planting seeds of doubt regarding the reliability of breathalyzer tests and other evidence.

What You Need to Know About Breathalyzer Tests

Breathalyzer tests are widely used tools for measuring a driver's blood alcohol concentration (BAC). While they may be effective in some circumstances, they are not 100 percent accurate. Our lawyer can highlight various factors that might lead to doubt about the accuracy of these tests, including:

  • Calibration issues - All breathalyzer devices must be calibrated regularly to ensure accurate readings. If our attorney can show that the device used in a case was not properly calibrated, this may cast doubt on the legitimacy of the results.
  • Operator error - The person administering the breathalyzer test must be trained and certified. If our attorney can demonstrate that the operator lacked the necessary qualifications to fail to follow proper procedures, the test's reliability can be questioned.
  • Factors in the environment - Temperature and humidity can affect the accuracy of breath tests. If our attorney uncovers evidence that environmental conditions were not ideal during the test, the results may be questioned.
  • Health conditions - It is said that for every degree of body temperature that exceeds the norm, a BAC reading can increase by eight percent. Our lawyer can help determine whether illnesses or health issues may have influenced breathalyzer test results.

Challenging the Evidence

Once our attorney has identified potential issues with the breathalyzer test, he can challenge the prosecution's evidence in multiple ways, including:

  • Cross-examination - During a trial, our attorney can question the officer who administered the test to uncover inconsistencies and weaknesses in their testimony. This strategic questioning can establish doubts in the minds of the jury regarding the test's validity.
  • Professional witnesses - Our skilled attorney can enlist the help of witnesses to provide testimony on breathalyzer technology. These professionals can testify about potential inaccuracies and explain the science behind the devices, making it easier for the jury to grasp the issues at hand.
  • Alternative test methods - If a defendant submitted to a blood test alongside the breathalyzer, our attorney can compare the results of both tests. If the blood test shows a significantly lower BAC than the breathalyzer reading, this discrepancy could be used to challenge the reliability of the breathalyzer.

Additional Defense Strategies

In addition to questioning the validity of breathalyzer tests, our skilled attorney can employ various other defense strategies. Tactics to be used may include:

  • Illegal traffic stop - If law enforcement did not have a valid reason to pull you over, any evidence gathered during the stop, including roadside breathalyzer test results, could be deemed inadmissible. With his training in DWI defense, our attorney will investigate the circumstances leading up to the traffic stop to determine if it was justified.
  • Field sobriety tests - Police officers frequently use field sobriety tests (FSTs) to assess a driver's level of impairment. Our skilled lawyer can argue that these tests are far from infallible and can be influenced by numerous factors unrelated to alcohol consumption.

Contact Our Converse, Texas DWI Defense Lawyer

A DWI charge can have significant consequences for your life, but our skilled attorney can work to protect your rights. By systemically questioning the reliability of breathalyzer tests and employing various defense strategies, our lawyer can plant seeds of doubt in the minds of jurors, potentially leading to lesser penalties or the dismissal of your case. If you find yourself facing DWI charges or other related charges, such as boating while intoxicated (BWI), the Law Offices of Sam H. Lock is here to help. Contact our office at 210-226-0965 to schedule a private consultation.

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Bexar County

In the historic King William District

1011 S. Alamo,
San Antonio, Texas 78210