Boerne DWI Defense Attorney

DWI Defense Lawyer Serving Boerne, Texas

With law enforcement cracking down on driving while intoxicated in Texas, the use of field sobriety tests (FSTs) is common during traffic stops. However, these tests are not infallible, and they can be influenced by various factors. Engaging a qualified attorney from Law Offices of Sam H. Lock can make all the difference in your defense strategy as you address DWI charges and defend against a conviction. Our lawyer understands the flaws in field sobriety tests, and he can use this knowledge to benefit your case.

Key Points to Consider About Field Sobriety Tests

There are several important aspects to keep in mind when evaluating the reliability of field sobriety tests in Texas:

  • Field sobriety tests are subjective. The performance of these tests relies heavily on the officer's judgment.
  • Environmental factors matter. Weather and terrain can impact test results.
  • Medical conditions may affect performance. People with certain medical issues may struggle with the physical requirements of FSTs, leading to false positives.
  • Legal guidance is essential. Our attorney can scrutinize the validity of the tests and advocate for your rights.

The Subjectivity of Field Sobriety Tests

Field sobriety tests are designed to help police officers assess a driver's level of impairment. Common tests used during DWI traffic stops include the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus, the Walk-and-Turn, and the One-Leg Stand. However, the key issue that can affect these cases is the subjective nature of an officer's assessments. Interpretations of the factors involved in these tests can vary widely, and misjudgment can lead to inaccurate conclusions about a driver's sobriety.

For example, an officer might perceive minor sways or balance issues as signs of intoxication rather than a result of anxiety or other non-alcohol-related factors. This subjectivity means that a driver who is perfectly sober could still be wrongfully accused of drunk driving due to the officer's interpretation of their performance.

Environmental Influences on Test Performance

In Texas, the hot and humid climate can have a significant impact on a driver's physical capabilities during a field sobriety test. Extreme weather conditions, uneven surfaces, or nearby distractions can hinder a person's ability to follow an officer's instructions. For example, conducting the Walk-and-Turn test on an uneven sidewalk or gravel can lead to poor coordination that is not related to alcohol consumption.

Lighting conditions can also play a role. Poorly lit areas may cause drivers to misjudge distances or perceive their surroundings inaccurately. These external factors can easily skew the results of a sobriety test, leading to wrongful arrests for DWI.

Medical Conditions and Their Impact

It is important to recognize that certain medical conditions can affect a person's ability to perform field sobriety tests. Conditions such as vertigo, Multiple Sclerosis, or leg injuries can mimic signs of intoxication. For example, someone suffering from balance issues unrelated to alcohol could be mistakenly deemed intoxicated based solely on their inability to maintain their balance while standing on one foot.

Moreover, some medications—including both prescription and over-the-counter drugs—can also affect a person's performance. Our experienced attorney can identify and use these medical factors as part of a strong defense.

The Importance of Legal Representation

A qualified legal professional can significantly bolster your defense. Our attorney can effectively challenge the validity of field sobriety tests, examine the traffic stop process, and scrutinize the circumstances surrounding your arrest. DWI cases require legal guidance to achieve the best possible outcome. Our attorney can:

  • Analyze whether the officer had probable cause to stop your vehicle.
  • Investigate the conditions under which the field sobriety tests were conducted.
  • Negotiate on your behalf to seek lesser charges or alternative resolutions.

Contact Our Boerne, TX DWI Defense Lawyer

Field sobriety tests are a common factor in DWI cases, but they are rife with potential inaccuracies that can lead to wrongful charges. The subjective nature of these tests, combined with environmental factors and medical conditions, can create a flawed basis for determining impairment. By working with Law Offices of Sam H. Lock, you can improve your chances of obtaining a positive outcome to your case. Our attorney will work to help you avoid the consequences that come with a DWI conviction. To fight the charges and protect your freedom, contact us at 210-226-0965 for a private consultation.

Practice Areas

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Bexar County

In the historic King William District

1011 S. Alamo,
San Antonio, Texas 78210